Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tim's Back To Church Sunday message

What is church and why do we go to church ?


When I was growing up, it was culturally expected your family went to church. On Monday, you did not want to hear “We missed you in church yesterday”.

In our little town of 5,000 souls in Quebec we had Anglican, Presbyterian, United churches. Baptists met in a hall, rejecting the pomp and circumstance and trappings of the “established” denominations. 

At the other end of the spectrum, were the Roman Catholics. If you were English, and Roman Catholic you went to a French Roman Catholic church. No problem, the services were in Latin.

We each had separate communities. When I met a new friend at school and told my father about him, my father said “oh, the Hawker boy eh? They are Baptists”. I didn’t know what he meant. Later, while attending a Baptist church our pastor preached about Jesus’ first miracle where he turned the water into grape juice. (done in humour).

Here is a story of cultural differences among churches.

There were three Canadian Anglican ministers doing mission work among the homeless in New York city. There was an altercation where their money was stolen, and a bottle of Bourbon was smashed drenching their robes. They went to Evensong at the local Episcopalian church. After the service the Episcopalian minister talking to the servers asked about the three visiting ministers. One said “Well, they looked Anglican”. The other piped up “But they gave like Presbyterians”. And then the third said “But, they smelled like Catholics”.

Today, the “established” churches have gone the way of film photography, or music recorded on LP’s or tape.

Today, if you use a film camera, you are quaint and old fashioned.

Likewise, if you go to church you are also considered quaint, old fashioned and mis-guided. Going to church is no longer culturally acceptable.

What does church mean in the “post Kodachrome world”?

In this century, church is a source of community, and opportunity for moral guidance to deal with issues of broken relationships, addictions, strife, fear, confusion. Church is a place to learn and experience the fruits of the spirit,  joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Perhaps today, the desire for church is more internal, more truth based, and inclusive and all-welcoming. The barriers of denominations are dissolving.

In our church in Port Alberni,  Anglicans and Lutherans pray and work together in a single church.

We had a funeral last month at Trinity Anglican/Lutheran church. The deceased was a parishioner who was born in Germany, and who bore 3 children in Germany between 1938 and 1945. In her eulogy, we were reminded of her time hiding in bomb shelters with her infant children.

After the service, I was talking to another of our parishioners who attended the funeral.  He said he related to her story, for at the same time he was hiding in bomb shelters in England.

Today, Anglicans and Lutherans pray together.

So what is church in the “post Kodachrome” era?

It is authentic, it is inclusive. The true message of Jesus that “ALL OF US ARE CHILDREN OF GOD AND RECEIVE GOD’S GRACE” is evident and practiced.

We may revere and remember each of our historical roots, but they will not be impediments to receiving the Good News.

[ I then played a two minute video from the “Back to Church” US national website which claimed

“Our church welcomes Pentecostal, Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, Presbyterian, Church of God, Mennonite, etc. etc. etc.” ]

Friday, September 14, 2012


Back to Church September 30

Back to church Sunday is approaching, and The Holy Spirit has likely put the names of some people on your heart. They are friends and/or neighbours struggling with challenges, perhaps alone, or in difficult relationships, and you know they need the Love of Jesus and the community of church.

As George said last Sunday, “we are God’s hands and feet”. A simple invitation may be all that is needed to change one person’s life.

God calls us to make the invitation. Our job is to invite someone. Their acceptance or refusal is left to the Holy Spirit.

We have some excellent resources to support you. Please pick them up at the front desk, or ask me for them.

“A shy person’s guide to the practice of Evangelism” is a little pamphlet that puts your heart and head in the right space for making the invitation. For example:

“Evangelism, then, really isn’t about telling people what they ought to believe. Evangelism is the sharing a precious gift.”

The second pamphlet we have is “reDiscover Church”. This is a great short read for someone curious but cautious about God.

Some examples of the issues addressed ‘ReDiscover Church” are:

1)      I don’t believe in organized religion

2)      I have my own way of connecting with God.

3)      Christians are judgmental and hypocritical.

If you have the opportunity to discuss church or God, this is a good resource to keep in your hip pocket to share.

Of the course the last item is the invitation. Please pick up one or more invitations.

And pray for guidance and for the person you plan to invite to church.


Tim McNeil




Today, I would take 5 minutes to talk about your invitation to your friend’s to come to church on September 30. In the next Sunday’s we will explore how we, as a church community, can prepare for BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY.

This message is about the power of the story. In my experience preaching to people telling them what to think and what to do, and especially what not to do is not effective communication.

On the other hand, sharing a story which relates to one’s own experience and heart is very powerful. Jesus knew that !

I was an excellent parent. Of course, I had no children, but I had been parented RIGHT?!

I was an excellent parent right up until the time Dianne and her three kids moved in. Children are God’s gift to us of humility. Teenagers are especially precious in forcing our humility aren’t they?

Why do grandparents love their grandchildren so much? …. REVENGE

Clean your room !

I preached that message over and over again.

How effectively was the message received,  do you think?

Here is another message !

The numbers in our congregation are declining. We cannot meet our building expenses. We need to increase attendance and giving. So, everyone here, bring at least one person to church on September 30. WE NEED NEW PEOPLE !!!

Oh, and by the way, I hope you made your bed and cleaned your room before coming to church this morning!

How effective is this? Are you now committed to invite someone to church ?

When I was 9 years old, we moved to a new town, and I was bullied. The name Neil Borby stills strikes anger in my heart. Was he really only a ten year kid ? I thought of  him as an agent of Satan?

My family did not attend church, but my mother heard the local church was starting a boy’s choir. She felt that would be good for me, so we attended St.Phillips Anglican church in Montreal West, and I sang in the choir. My mother, who did not attend church up to that point, continued attending St. Phillips long after I left home. We held her funeral there.

Jesus,  just as he uses teenagers to provide teachable moments, takes a wound and makes it beautiful.

In my twenties I stopped going to church (my voice broke).

Another series of crisis far worse than Neil Borby struck me. Many times during this dark, depressing time, I was approached by a number of people inviting me to church.

I met Dianne. Tom and Beth Williams, friends of Dianne’s invited us over for coffee. During coffee Tom said “Now we are going to study the book of John”. Terror struck my gut, my palms were sweaty but I was trapped. That was over twenty years ago.

Today, I can safely say, if it was not for that invitation, I would not be here today. I am quite sure I would not be alive in 2012.


We all have a story. We all have wounds. God uses our stories, and our wounds to effect change for good.

Your friends and neighbours, like everyone alive today are wounded through life’s experiences.

Your invitation to church is not about you, it is a gift to your friend.

It may not be the first invitation they have had, it may not be the last. Remember, it is not about you.

Shall we pray ?

Dear Lord, you know what is on our hearts, you know who needs your healing. Please give us the courage and conviction to step out in faith and invite that person to church. Let your Holy Spirit use us to be your conduit.


By the way, in August, we visited our daughter, Caitlin, at her apartment in Saskatoon. Caitlin said  “Tim, you are not going to leave that there are you ?” “please put your shoes in the hall”

Lesson learned.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Services and Care


Sunday Services at Trinity (10 am)...
September 9 / Holy Communion (Celtic) 
    Readings: Isaiah 35:4-7a / Psalm 146
                    James 2:1-10, 14-17 / Mark 7:24-37
September 16 / Holy Communion (Anglican-BAS)
   Holy Cross Sunday  (+ Healing Prayers)
    Readings:  Numbers 21:4b-9 / Psalm 98:1-4
                     1 Corinthians 1:18-24 / John 3:1-17
September 23 / Holy Communion (Lutheran) 
    Readings:  Jeremiah 11:18-20 / Psalm 54
                     James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a / Mark 9:30-37
September 30 / 10:00 am... Service of the Word
  Back to Church Sunday
    Special Readings & Video  

September 30 / 2:30pm... Holy Communion (Anglican- BAS)
  A relaxed service, with  hymns / 'tea' to follow

October 7/  Holy Communion (Anglican- Traditional) 
  Harvest Thanksgiving
    Readings: Joel 2:21-27 / Psalm 126

                    1 Timothy 2:1-7 / Matthew 6:25-33
October 14/ Holy Communion (Lutheran)

 Reformation Sunday
    Special Guests: Rev. Deborah van der Goes and early music group, 'Heart's Ease'
    Readings:  Jeremiah 31:31-34 / Psalm 46

                     Romans 3:19-28 / John 8:31-36
October 21/ Holy Communion (Celtic)
  + Healing Prayers 
    Readings:  Isaiah 53:4-12 / Psalm 91:9-16
                     Hebrews 5:1-10 / Mark 10:35-45
October 28/ Holy Communion (Anglican- BAS)
    Leading the Service: Ven. Dianne Tomalin and Rev. Patrick Tomalin
    Readings:  Jeremiah 31:7-9 / Psalm 126
                     Hebrews 7:23-28 / Mark 46-52October 28 / 2:30pm... Evening Prayer (Anglican- BCP)
  A relaxed service, with  hymns / 'tea' to follow

Wednesday Services at Trinity (10 am)
  Theme & Dialogue: from 'For All the Saints'

  Coffee following service

Emergency & Discretionary Assistance
Rev. George Pell (250.730.6900)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Not pity... care for others
An introduction to the 'Charter for Compassion' and the book 'Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life' by TED Talk award winner Karen Armstrong.
The public forum has been planned by the pastors of Trinity, Knox, and AV United Churches.
More information at:

Saturday, February 25, 2012

This is a new social community for Anglicans (+ Others!)... Give it a look!!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happening at Trinity

Feb. 26       Lent 1
      10am Communion (Luth) 
       7pm  Community Service
                 (at Chn. Reformed Ch.)

Coming Up.... 
Music Workshop with Linnea Good... Saturday, March 10th
(Potluck at 5pm; Workshop at 6:30pm)

Truth and Reconciliation Hearings
in Port Alberni; March 12, 13

Marriage Brochure for Trinity Anglican Lutheran Church, Port Alberni